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Become a patron

722,000 people are affected by poverty in Switzerland. Poverty means that those affected can only participate to a limited extent in social or cultural events such as Phänomena. As a patron, you let people in poverty have Phänomenal educational experiences.


Simply select the desired amount, click on “Donate now” and then follow the payment instructions.

Platinum patron
CHF 5250.--

When you purchase a platinum patron card, you allow 50 people or 25 families a unique visit to the Phänomena discovery world.

Gold patron
CHF 2100.--

When you purchase a gold patron card, you allow 20 people or 10 families a unique visit to the Phänomena discovery world.

Silver Patron
CHF 1050.--

When you purchase a silver patron card, you allow 10 people or 5 families a unique visit to the Phänomena discovery world.

Bronze patron
CHF 210.--

When you purchase a bronze patron card, you allow 2 people a unique visit to the Phänomena discovery world.

Donate free amount

Vielen Dank für Ihre Spende!

By purchasing a patron card, you can gift Phänomenal educational experiences to individuals or families on a tight budget. Your contribution will be credited to the non-profit association Zürcher Forum in the form of a donation and forwarded to Phänomena.


Phänomena reserves your full contribution for free admission and even adds an additional ticket to each donated ticket. The tickets are distributed in collaboration with the KulturLegi of Caritas Switzerland.

You can also participate as a patron via bank transfer:

Verein Zürcher Forum

IBAN: CH88 0070 0114 8066 2062 7

Zürcher Kantonalbank


Zürcher Forum is a non-profit organisation and therefore exempt from tax. If you have any questions, contact

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